Workers with Notes

Total number of workers found: 832

Last Name Given Name Birth year Denomination City State Countrysort ascending
Hensgen Arthur 1913 Baptist Cincinnati Ohio United States
Penner Alvin 1919 Mennonite Brethren Balko Oklahoma United States
Schrag Willard A. 1917 Mennonite General Conference Pretty Prairie Kansas United States
Foye William D. 1919 Baptist Middletown Connecticut United States
Hershberger Dan J. 1927 Mennonite Apple Creek Ohio United States
Perry* Jack 1916 Los Angeles California United States
Schrock Willard E. 1920 Mennonite Old Lowpoint Illinois United States
Frey Walter Harley 1914 Mennonite Elkhart Indiana United States
Hershberger Sylvanus E. 1919 Mennonite Old Order Amish Charm Ohio United States
Phibbs Raymond 1925 Brethren Pulaski Virginia United States
Schultz Karl V. 1919 Mennonite General Conference Bluffton Ohio United States
Hertzler Emanual C. 1917 Mennonite Old Waynesburg Ohio United States
Gehret Robert W. 1921 Mennonite Brethren in Christ Bethelhem Pennsylvania United States
Price Robert L. 1923 Brethren Wheatfield Indiana United States
Gerig Irvin L. 1920 Mennonite Old Lebanon Oregon United States
Miller Lawrence J. 1927 Mennonite Archbold Ohio United States
Himes Milo D. 1919 Methodist Philadelphia Pennsylvania United States
Redfield Donald E 1919 Methodist Burley Idaho United States
Gingerich Delmar S. 1918 Church of Christ Valparaiso Indiana United States
Miller Sanford E. 1916 Mennonite Protection Kansas United States
Hodges Roland E. 1922 Methodist Washington North Carolina United States
Refior Everett L. 1919 Methodist Donnellson Iowa United States
Goering Erwin C. 1913 Mennonite General Conference N. Newton Kansas United States
Miller Vernon U. 1917 Mennonite Goshen Indiana United States
Reish Floyd E. 1918 Brethren Christiansburg Virginia United States
Goering Paul L. 1922 Mennonite General Conference Moundridge Kansas United States
Hogle George H. 1915 Episcopal Salt Lake City Utah United States
Riebel John D. 1916 Baptist Chicago Illinois United States
Goertzen Peter 1913 Mennonite Brethren Shafter California United States
Miller* Wesly L. Mennonite Brethren Enid Oklahoma United States
Hollister Barrett 1914 Friend Yellow Springs Ohio United States
Robbins Guy Thomas 1916 Methodist San Rafael California United States
Graeler Marvin W. H. 1918 Evangelical & Reformed Clayton Missouri United States
Moyer* Ernest S. 1919 Mennonite Blooming Glen Pennsylvania United States
Horst John L. 1923 Mennonite Old Ephrata Pennsylvania United States
Rockwell* Donald Unknown New York, New York United States
Greaser Lawrence H. 1922 Mennonite Old Hesston Kansas United States
Myers David M. 1914 Friend New York New York United States
Ropp Leroy V. 1924 Mennonite Conservative Amish Kalona Iowa United States
Groening Francis J. 1915 Mennonite Brethren Hillsboro Kansas United States
Nachtigal Henry Elmer 1919 Mennonite General Conference Inman Kansas United States
Huddle Wilmer S. 1927 Mennonite Old Hunkers Pennsylvania United States
Rozeboom Gerrit A. 1917 Methodist Sebastopol California United States
Guhr Jacob 1913 Mennonite General Conference Hillsboro Kansas United States
Nebel Dale A. 1916 Mennonite General Conference Washington Iowa United States
Rupp Glenn D. 1921 Mennonite Old Wauseon Ohio United States
Habegger Loris A. 1918 Mennonite General Conference Berne Indiana United States
Nelson Paul G. 1914 Congregational Christian Crystal Lake Illinois United States
Zook Oscar L. 1912 Mennonite Old Kalona Iowa United States
Wiens Elmer P. 1913 Mennonite Inman Kansas United States
