Reflection from Samuel Allen Shirk

Reflection from Samuel Allen Shirk

The following is a reflection from Samuel Allen Shirk regarding his participation in an experiment on atypical pneumonia:

"At the end of this control period came the eventful day: the inoculation of groups of men with the filtered washings from the mouths of atypical pneumonia patients. One by one the men, wearing surgical masks, were escorted to tents in an open field, donned long white gowns, and inhaled deeply as the doctors sprayed the germs into nose and throat."

“Many found that they had become rather ‘soft’ when they were set free, but felt that it was all very worthwhile as the doctors explained the prospects of overcoming the terribly annoying and costly common cold and its counterpart, atypical pneumonia.”


--Taken from Rohrer, Peter Lester and Mary E. The Story of the Lancaster County Conference Mennonites in Civilian Public Service With Directory. Pp 69-71. 1946.