Reflection from J. Hobart Goering

Reflection from J. Hobart Goering

The following is a reflection from J. Hobart Goering regarding his time at unit #90:

"There were some incidents that happened while we were working at Ypsilanti that I would like to relate. These incidents were really meaningful to all of us CPSers. Mr. Mitchel was the laundry supervisor, who had a very bad attitude towards the COs, and Mr. Goodfellow was the head of employees. He refused to place any CPSers in his department because of Mr. Mitchel’s attitude. Well, in time, there was such a shortage of help at the laundry that Mr. Goodfellow decided to place some CO boys in his department. Mr. Mitchel ridiculed them, called them slackers, yellow and whatever he could think of; however, he soon found out that the boys were willing, hard-working employees that took all of his ridicule and abuse. A few months later, Mitchel came into Lotus Troyer’s office and said, ‘You people have changed my attitude and life. I have never had employees that worked so hard and complained so little. I have to admit that you have something that most of us don’t have.’"


--Taken from The Eden Peace Witness: A Collection of Personal Accounts. Ed. Jeffery W. Koller. Kansas: Jebeko Publishing, 2004. p72-9.