
Total number of workers found: 11935

Last Name Given Name Birth year Denomination City State Countrysort descending
Yanger John 1909 Lutheran Allentown Pennsylvania United States
Kapcala John 1921 None Emmaus Pennsylvania United States
Elliott Glenn E. 1916 Methodist Rupert Idaho United States
Paul Malcolm D. 1917 Mennonite Scottdale Pennsylvania United States
Alleman Melvin I. 1922 Brethren in Christ Mennonite Newburg Pennsylvania United States
Schrock Emmanuel J. 1917 Mennonite Old Order Amish Sugarcreek Ohio United States
Hopkins Jason J. 1920 None Pleasantville New York United States
Ransom Eugene A. 1914 Methodist West Allis Wisconsin United States
Bader Kurt W. 1901 None Milwaukee Wisconsin United States
Via Raymond M. 1923 Brethren Free Union Virginia United States
Goertz Ernest A. 1922 Mennonite General Conference Walton Kansas United States
Taylor Wendell F. 1915 Disciples of Christ Monroe Washington United States
Ritchie Iner W. 1915 Seventh Day Adventist Riverside California United States
Lloyd Jr. William Bross 1908 Congregational Christian Winnetka Illinois United States
Christner George 1922 Mennonite Conservative Iowa City Iowa United States
King Donald Edward 1921 Mennonite Old Bellefontaine Ohio United States
Penner Joseph D. 1927 Mennonite General Conference Halstead Kansas United States
Schwantes John P. 1924 Friend Larchmont New York United States
Hoskins William B. 1917 Presbyterian Weston West Virginia United States
Friesen Theodore H. 1923 Mennonite Brethren Reedley California United States
Reed Robert R. 1913 Presbyterian ColumBus Ohio United States
Wagoner Harold L. 1927 Old German Baptist North Manchester Indiana United States
Musselman George C. 1916 Mennonite Wichita Kansas United States
Thompson Anthony W. 1918 Jehovah's Witness St Paul Minnesota United States
Kruger David B. 1923 Brethren Annville Pennsylvania United States
Miller Henry E. 1925 Mennonite Amish Sugarcreek Ohio United States
Mast Lester E. 1925 Mennonite Old Lockwood Ohio United States
Rohrer Paul M. 1914 Brethren in Christ Mennonite Troy Ohio United States
Lucore Wayne E. 1927 Brethren Elizabeth Colorado United States
Clegg Charles H. 1923 Methodist Oak Park Illinois United States
Klassen Arnold D. 1915 Mennonite General Conference Newton Kansas United States
Stanberry Orrin H. 1917 Church of God Boone North Carolina United States
Wollmann Jacob G. 1926 Hutterian Brethren Lewistown Montana United States
Hoyle John C. 1905 Friend Arcadia California United States
Gandy Ted E. 1917 Brethren Battle Creek Michigan United States
Edwards J. Earle 1915 Friend Chicago Illinois United States
Ablett Joseph H. 1922 Methodist Detroit Michigan United States
Holland Walter R. 1920 Triumph Church of the New Age Philadelphia Pennsylvania United States
Needham Edward M. None Grand Prairie Texas United States
Armantrout Paul Ellis 1924 Brethren Modesto California United States
Landes James C. 1926 Mennonite General Conference Bluffton Ohio United States
Miller Lynn L. 1920 Old German Baptist Rossville Indiana United States
Gingerich Joseph 1921 Mennonite Old Ligonier Indiana United States
Steiner Nathan 1919 Mennonite Dalton Ohio United States
Yates Howard William 1918 Presbyterian Zirconia North Carolina United States
Karber M. David 1920 Mennonite Brethren Blaine Washington United States
Ellis S. Blake 1921 Methodist Lawrence Massachusetts United States
Pauls Arthur A. 1915 Mennonite General Conference Inman Kansas United States
Allen Frank C 1916 Methodist Portland Oregon United States
Schrock Harvey J. 1908 Mennonite Old Hutchinson Kansas United States
