
Total number of workers found: 11935

Last Name Given Name Birth year Denomination Citysort descending State Country
Gantz Wilbur B. 1923 Brethren Union New Jersey United States
Lightner Charles L. 1922 Brethren Union Ohio United States
Eisenhut Theodore J. 1923 Christadelphian Union New Jersey United States
Knorr Thadeus E. 1915 None Union New Jersey United States
Cassell Bernis M. 1923 Brethren Union Ohio United States
Sollenberger Paul V. 1924 Brethern Student Union Ohio United States
Litten Robert D. 1919 Mennonite Brethren in Christ Union Ohio United States
Cassell Jesse 1921 Brethren Union Ohio United States
Kruel Virgil H. 1918 Congregational Christian Union Missouri United States
Dauberman Frederick E. 1922 Seventh Day Adventist Union New Jersey United States
Warfield Roland M. 1922 Brethren Union Bridge Maryland United States
Bagwell Carroll W. 1922 Brethren Union City Indiana United States
Eley Wilmer R. 1921 Brethren Union City Indiana United States
Hershberger Willard 1919 Mennonite Old Union City Pennsylvania United States
Fogle Fred H. 1922 Nazarene Union City Pennsylvania United States
Wagner Marlin K. 1916 Brethren Union Deposit Pennsylvania United States
Reed Herman Marshall 1927 Baptist Union Grove North Carolina United States
Hazard Wilbur J. 1919 Friend Union Springs New York United States
Sommers Martin L. 1927 Mennonite Amish Uniontown Ohio United States
Garmier Ford L. 1906 Evangelical & Reformed Uniontown Ohio United States
Wengerd Henry 1927 Mennonite Amish Uniontown Ohio United States
Shrock Mervin 1923 Mennonite Amish Uniontown Ohio United States
Hustead Robert G. 1918 Baptist Uniontown Pennsylvania United States
Coblentz Emanuel M. 1926 Mennonite Old Order Amish Uniontown Ohio United States
Miller Atlee D. 1909 Mennonite Conservative Amish Uniontown Ohio United States
Miller Dan 1907 Mennonite Uniontown Ohio United States
Sommers Elmer B. 1926 Mennonite Old Order Amish Uniontown Ohio United States
Hershberger Clement C. 1914 Mennonite Brethren in Christ Uniontown Ohio United States
Krock Joseph R. 1916 Catholic Uniontown Pennsylvania United States
Rutter Harry G. 1919 None Uniontown Pennsylvania United States
Miller Mahlon J. 1926 Mennonite Conservative Amish Uniontown Ohio United States
Schrock Mose P. 1923 Mennonite Old Order Amish Uniontown Ohio United States
Beachy Mahlon A. 1927 Mennonite Conservative Amish Uniontown Ohio United States
Kinsey Raymond J. 1918 German Baptist Uniontown Ohio United States
Schlabach Christ V. 1927 Mennonite Amish Uniontown Ohio United States
Overholt Joseph 1918 Mennonite Conservative Amish Uniontown Ohio United States
Troyer Noah B. 1916 Mennonite Amish Uniontown Ohio United States
Sommers George A. 1921 Mennonite Conservative Amish Uniontown Ohio United States
Sommers Raymond E. 1925 Mennonite Uniontown Ohio United States
Troyer William B. 1921 Mennonite Old Order Amish Uniontown Ohio United States
Schrock* Mervin 1923 Mennonite Amish Uniontown Ohio United States
Troyer Abraham B. 1924 Mennonite Uniontown Ohio United States
Wagler Mahlon 1927 Mennonite Old Order Amish Uniontown Ohio United States
Simcox Graham V. 1919 Friend University Park Iowa United States
Marburg Theodore F. 1914 Unitarian unknown United States
Book Maynard C. 1920 Brethren in Christ Mennonite Upland California United States
Unruh Lawrence W. 1916 Mennonite Church of God in Christ Upland California United States
Book O. Wayne 1922 Brethren in Christ Mennonite Upland California United States
Gade Ray M. 1924 Brethren in Christ Mennonite Upland California United States
Guengerich Leslie L. 1927 Brethren in Christ Mennonite Upland California United States
