
Total number of workers found: 11935

Last Name Given Name Birth year Denomination City State Countrysort ascending
Loewen Peter R. 1919 Mennonite Turlock California United States
Seelig Lester O. 1918 Disciples of Christ Yellow Jacket Colorado United States
Alexander Ruble G. 1913 Church of Christ Camden Tennessee United States
McCracken Emmett F. 1917 Friend Augusta Kansas United States
Magraw John E. 1917 Episcopal St.Paul Minnesota United States
Burkholder Benjamin L. 1922 Mennonite New Holland Pennsylvania United States
Kastrup John C. 1927 Christadelphian Kirkwood New Jersey United States
Franz Arthur J. 1918 Mennonite General Conference Salem Oregon United States
Hensgen Arthur 1913 Baptist Cincinnati Ohio United States
Michener William Ralph 1922 Friend Wichita Kansas United States
Wollmann Dr. Willis J. 1925 Mennonite General Conference Freeman South Dakota United States
Feggans William A. 1919 Pentecostal Philadelphia Pennsylvania United States
Driver John H. 1924 Mennonite Old Hesston Kansas United States
Holland Walter R. 1920 Triumph Church of the New Age Philadelphia Pennsylvania United States
Richert Sam S. 1910 Mennonite General Conference Newton Kansas United States
Street James H. 1915 Wider Quaker Fellowship New Braunfels Texas United States
Luke Martin C. 1909 Seventh Day Adventist Cedar Rapids Iowa United States
Sharpes Lowell V. 1924 Brethren Harrisonburg Virginia United States
Megehee William T. 1919 Jehovah's Witness McLoud Oklahoma United States
Martin Abraham D. 1922 Mennonite Old Order Dayton Virginia United States
Huppe Charles V. 1916 None Roundup Montana United States
Hershberger Willis L. 1919 Mennonite Brethren in Christ Elkhart Indiana United States
Miller D. Max 1919 Mennonite Wellman Iowa United States
Yarnall Stanley R. 1919 Friend Germantown Pennsylvania United States
Fisher Owen E. 1919 Brethren Peru Indiana United States
Siroky George 1920 Unknown Allentown Pennsylvania United States
Eastman Richard P 1920 Friend Springfield Ohio United States
Horn George F. 1917 Brethren Baltimore Maryland United States
Sweitzer Donald (Zeke) 1920 Congregational Christian La Grange Illinois United States
Bankert Wallace A. 1925 Mennonite Reformed Valparaiso Indiana United States
Chambers Clarence D. 1915 Friend Elizabethtown Indiana United States
Atwater Elton 1912 Friend Wallingford Pennsylvania United States
Horton Gilbert E. 1917 Jewish Berkeley California United States
Miller Vernon U. 1917 Mennonite Goshen Indiana United States
Jacobson Robert C. 1920 Methodist Dallas Oregon United States
Buckner Henry J. 1918 Presbyterian Maryville Tennessee United States
Jost Arthur 1918 Mennonite Brethren Fresno California United States
Forbes John R. 1913 Episcopal Kansas City Missouri United States
Smith Howard C. 1918 Presbyterian Stanley New York United States
Thiesen Milton J. 1920 Mennonite Brethren Dinuba California United States
Bartholomew John E. 1921 Methodist Chicago Illinois United States
Cinco Rudolph J. 1918 Catholic Euclid Ohio United States
Baker Robert E. 1911 Presbyterian Lincoln Kansas United States
Howard Keith A. 1908 Disciples of Christ Huntington Indiana United States
Mitchell Thomas S. 1925 Christadelphian Denver Colorado United States
Renaud Albert E. 1923 First Century Gospel Brooklyn New York United States
Stickrath Wilbur C. 1917 Seventh Day Adventist Dayton Ohio United States
Loganbill Earl E 1921 Mennonite General Conference California Missouri United States
Segal Benjamin D. 1915 Friend Chicago Illinois United States
Allan William J. 1917 Mennonite Louisville Ohio United States
