
Total number of workers found: 11935

Last Name Given Name Birth year Denomination City State Countrysort descending
King Lloyd E. 1916 Mennonite Old Toluca Illinois United States
Baughman Robert O. 1918 Brethren Lakeville Indiana United States
Johnson Clarence C. 1915 Christ Sanctified Holy Church Macon Georgia United States
Krock Joseph R. 1916 Catholic Uniontown Pennsylvania United States
Nachtigall George F. 1921 Mennonite Brethren Buhler Kansas United States
Schmoe Wilfred P. 1927 Friend Seattle Washington United States
Brother Peaceful 1907 Father Divine Jamaica New York United States
Phillips Ray 1923 Brethren Relief North Carolina United States
Short Lowell E. 1924 Mennonite Old Archbold Ohio United States
Miners George W. 1914 None Wahoo Nebraska United States
Klepinger Wayne E. 1924 Brethren Peru Indiana United States
Jones Forrest C. 1916 None Reading Pennsylvania United States
Gingerich Jacob 1919 Mennonite Old Loogootee Indiana United States
Lagomarsini George 1916 Unitarian Astoria LI New York United States
Schrock Manassa 1918 Mennonite Old Sheridan Oregon United States
White Orville J. 1922 Friend Mabel Minnesota United States
Brubaker L. Paul 1918 Mennonite Old Quarryville Pennsylvania United States
Chamberlin Alfred O. 1917 Brethren Hagerstown Indiana United States
Leinbach Maurice E. 1918 Mennonite Old Goshen Indiana United States
Newton Dulan D. 1920 Church of Christ Hamilton Texas United States
Hartman Marvin D. 1918 Mennonite Old Dayton Virginia United States
Stutzman Arnold 1922 Mennonite Old Wellman Iowa United States
Hanson Richard R. 1925 None Glen Cove New York United States
Meads Bruce W. 1913 Methodist Riverdale Michigan United States
Goering Victor R. 1920 Mennonite General Conference Moundridge Kansas United States
Barnhart John A. 1921 Mennonite Old Dayton Virginia United States
Wieseman Ellis F. 1917 Evangelical & Reformed Mendon Illinois United States
Cillis Dan 1925 Jehovah's Witness Hammond Indiana United States
Graham James W. 1918 Southern Baptist Springfield Illinois United States
Liljengren Philip E. 1911 Evangelical Mission Covenant Chicago Illinois United States
Peoples Thomas 1923 Church of God Morristown Tennessee United States
Nofziger Edward C. 1913 Brethren Douglaston New York United States
Sherk Morris N. 1926 Brethren in Christ Mennonite Mt. Joy Pennsylvania United States
Headings Noah S. 1917 Mennonite Old Hutchinson Kansas United States
Sutter Joseph G. 1920 Mennonite Wayland Iowa United States
Miller Roy D.M. 1922 Mennonite Amish Baltic Ohio United States
King Milphert 1918 Mennonite Old Goshen Indiana United States
Bauman Frank S. 1919 Catholic Albany New York United States
Johnson Cyrus M. 1919 Methodist Goldsboro North Carolina United States
Kroeker Isaac H. 1926 Mennonite Evangelical Brethren Jansen Nebraska United States
Nafziger Dale J. 1921 Mennonite Old Archbold Ohio United States
Schmucker Harley D. 1921 Mennonite Old Nappanee Indiana United States
Brovont Howard E. 1922 Old German Baptist Wakarusa Indiana United States
Phillips William A 1916 Presbyterian Los Angeles California United States
Short Robert G. 1926 Mennonite Old Archbold Ohio United States
Minnich Charles Otto 1919 Brethren Pomona California United States
Kliewer Alden Ray 1922 Mennonite Fairview Oklahoma United States
Jones Henry H. 1918 Brethren Ewing Virginia United States
Gingerich John A. 1919 Mennonite Amish Arthur Illinois United States
Lais D. Franklin 1920 Mennonite Old Hubbard Oregon United States
