
Total number of workers found: 11935

Last Name Given Name Birth year Denomination Citysort descending State Country
Mallory Guy E. 1925 Church of Christ S. Charlestown West Virginia United States
Hoylman Wayne W. 1919 Mennonite Old S. English Iowa United States
Geiger Henry V. 1908 Unknown S. Pasadena California United States
Malone John R. 1917 Jehovah's Witness S. Pasadena California United States
Gans Arnold F. 1911 Brethren S. Whitley Indiana United States
Senger Marvin E. 1916 Brethren S.English Iowa United States
Pec Walter 1920 Russian Old Testament Church S.F. California United States
Law Cecil W. 1922 Jehovah's Witness Sabago Lake Maine United States
Wright Francis E. 1913 Methodist Sacanoe New York United States
Hensley John H. 1915 Christadelphian Sacramento California United States
Kirby Calvin A. 1918 None Sacramento California United States
Santos Thomas J. 1909 None Sacramento California United States
Gunterman Joseph F. 1913 Unknown Sacramento California United States
Abrecht James W. 1917 Baptist Sacramento California United States
Guenther Frank R. 1920 Mennonite Brethren Sacramento California United States
Finch Osborn 1916 None Saddle River New Jersey United States
Odrobina Andrew 1911 Jehovah's Witness Saginaw Michigan United States
Bargas John E. 1924 Seventh Day Adventist Saginaw Michigan United States
Seibel Carl A 1914 Evangelical Saginaw Michigan United States
Dice Gene C. 1919 Pilgrim Holiness Saginaw Michigan United States
Maier Victor Eugene 1921 Methodist Saginaw Michigan United States
Rhymer Harold W. 1914 Jehovah's Witness Saginaw Oregon United States
Premoe Ernie R. C. 1915 Church of Christ Saginaw Michigan United States
Selent Raymond A. 1923 Church of God Saint Joseph Michigan United States
Lancaster John G. 1918 Church of Christ Salado Texas United States
Schultz Gurth W. 1915 Congregational Christian Salamance New York United States
Lowen Clarence M. 1918 Mennonite Brethren Salem Oregon United States
Stanley Robert C. 1927 Friend Salem Ohio United States
Allen Lloyd R. 1900 Plymouth Brethren Salem Oregon United States
Tate John W. 1925 Brethren Salem Virginia United States
Thomas James I. 1910 Brethren Salem Virginia United States
Doyle Grover H. 1922 Brethren Salem Virginia United States
McReynolds William 1915 Unknown Salem Oregon United States
Mason Floyd R. 1919 Brethren Salem Virginia United States
Laughlin William S. 1919 Friend Salem Oregon United States
Brubaker Charles H. 1924 Old German Baptist Salem Virginia United States
Miles Rodney R. 1924 Friend Salem Oregon United States
Lowen Marvin J. 1925 Mennonite Brethren Salem Oregon United States
Stanley Wilmer W. 1925 Friend Salem Ohio United States
Starbuck Robert C. 1906 Friend Salem Ohio United States
Goertzen Melvin J. 1923 Mennonite Brethren Salem Oregon United States
Tasker Donald H. 1921 Methodist Salem Oregon United States
Cheatham Milton E. 1924 Brethren Salem Virginia United States
Armstrong James E. 1920 Friend Salem Oregon United States
Wall Irvin F. 1917 Mennonite Brethren Salem Oregon United States
Watts Loren A. 1909 Methodist Salem Oregon United States
McPherson Roy T. 1907 Megiddo Mission Salem Oregon United States
Brubaker Jacob J. 1916 Old German Baptist Salem Virginia United States
French Richard L. 1920 Methodist Salem Oregon United States
Nafziger William Edgar 1917 Mennonite Salem Oregon United States
