
Total number of workers found: 11935

Last Name Given Name Birth year Denomination City Statesort descending Country
Bowman Clarence E. 1920 Brethren Seattle Washington United States
Roberts Ray Clayton 1923 None Seattle Washington United States
Houger Beryl W. 1914 Nazarene Spokane Washington United States
Von Seggern Ernest F. 1912 Unknown Mt. Vernon Washington United States
McRae Alan B. 1919 Congregational Christian Seattle Washington United States
Bozarth Everett L. 1924 Jehovah's Witness Woodland Washington United States
Hartman Robert H. 1919 Jehovah's Witness Newport Washington United States
Barrett John L. 1922 None Puyallup Washington United States
Kilian William C. 1908 Pillar of Fire Spokane Washington United States
Kelley Curtis S. 1927 Jehovah's Witness Puyallup Washington United States
Dyck Leo A. 1924 Mennonite General Conference Ritzville Washington United States
Kozelisky Joseph A. 1917 Jehovah's Witness Ronald Washington United States
Riehle Philip J. 1924 Methodist Rocklyn Washington United States
Anderson Emil G. 1914 Seventh Day Adventist Enumclaw Washington United States
Schmoe Wilfred P. 1927 Friend Seattle Washington United States
Pederson Edgar 1912 None Seattle Washington United States
Weber William A. 1918 Congregational Christian Pullman Washington United States
Marsh Earl L. 1922 Jehovah's Witness Port Orchard Washington United States
Cowles Edward J. 1918 None Port Ludlow Washington United States
Hisey Jacob M. 1910 None Port Angeles Washington United States
Smith Loren E. 1924 Friend Tacoma Washington United States
DeMan Eugene A. 1921 Jehovah's Witness Kent Washington United States
Cutler Maynard A. 1923 None Spokane Washington United States
Johnston Paul G. 1917 Congregational Christian Kirkland Washington United States
Rouddeau Leo A. 1913 Catholic White Bluffs Washington United States
Shiga Andrew I. 1919 None Seattle Washington United States
Coffman Barton E. 1919 Jehovah's Witness Yakima Washington United States
Sandoz Carl V. Friend Seattle Washington United States
Taylor Wendell F. 1915 Disciples of Christ Monroe Washington United States
Walker Robert S. 1922 American Baptist Seattle Washington United States
Wittenberg Arthur M. 1921 Mennonite Brethren Blaine Washington United States
Roslie Joseph 1922 Jehovah's Witness Tacoma Washington United States
Shaw Donald L. 1922 None Tacoma Washington United States
Nash Stanley W. 1915 Evangelical Tieton Washington United States
Mathews Gerald S. 1917 Church of God Arkdale Wisconsin United States
Lorch Troy E. 1914 None Wauwatoosa Wisconsin United States
Wenttengel Hubert W. 1921 Congregational Christian Appleton Wisconsin United States
Diekvoss Hubert J. 1921 Evangelical Beaver Dam Wisconsin United States
Dudgeon Robert E. 1926 Congregational Christian Madison Wisconsin United States
Zahn Fred O. 1918 Lutheran Milwaukee Wisconsin United States
Kollmeyer Harold W. 1919 Evangelical & Reformed Milwaukee Wisconsin United States
Olbrich Stuart W. 1914 Congregational Christian Madison Wisconsin United States
Wenbery Ernest D. 1916 Methodist De Pere Wisconsin United States
Olesou Elmer S. 1914 Lutheran Muscoda Wisconsin United States
Arhelger Wayne W. 1915 Methodist Milwaukee Wisconsin United States
Olson Sidney L. 1927 Pentecostal Assemblies Superior Wisconsin United States
Arms Adolph J. 1920 Church of God Milwaukee Wisconsin United States
Fielding James M. 1912 Friend West Allis Wisconsin United States
Monson Melton A. 1914 None Glenwood City Wisconsin United States
Finke Paul A. 1917 Spring Valley Wisconsin United States
