
Total number of workers found: 11935

Last Name Given Name Birth year Denomination City State Countrysort ascending
Bourte Allon B. 1918 Brethren in Christ Mennonite Manheim Pennsylvania United States
Williams Owen 1917 Christadelphian Yoakum Texas United States
Nunley Stafford R. 1921 Church of Christ Martin Tennessee United States
Greer Loy 1923 Pentecostal Paragould Arkansas United States
Krodel Thomas J. 1905 Jehovah's Witness Lancaster Pennsylvania United States
Malloy John 1915 Methodist Trenton New Jersey United States
Horst John L. 1923 Mennonite Old Ephrata Pennsylvania United States
Peachey Laban 1927 Mennonite Conservative Amish Springs Pennsylvania United States
Richardson Henry L. 1915 Congregational Lemon South Dakota United States
Vail Philip C. 1924 Friend Media Pennsylvania United States
Schwartz John M. 1924 Mennonite Old Order Amish Monroe Indiana United States
St. John Clifford B. 1927 Dunkard Brethren Bryan Ohio United States
Bray Lloyd L. 1919 Jehovah's Witness Broken Bow Oklahoma United States
Diener Eber Glenn 1925 Mennonite Old Wellman Iowa United States
Witmer Austin W. 1919 Mennonite Ephrata Pennsylvania United States
Miller* Robert L. 1919 Brethren Beatrice Nebraska United States
Orpurt Edward M. 1920 Brethren Peru Indiana United States
Colburn William N. 1923 Baptist Waterville Maine United States
Lahman George W. 1924 German Baptist Modesto California United States
Martin Edwin S. 1920 Mennonite Old Sheldon Wisconsin United States
Sevenich Raymond F. 1912 Catholic Pittsburgh Pennsylvania United States
Stauffer Henry H. 1917 Mennonite Mt Joy Pennsylvania United States
Doll Joseph Carl 1911 Brethren Antioch West Virginia United States
Wenttengel Hubert W. 1921 Congregational Christian Appleton Wisconsin United States
Bayer David H. 1927 Old German Baptist Brookville Ohio United States
Keagy Charles E 1923 Mennonite Washington Boro Pennsylvania United States
Monson Melton A. 1914 None Glenwood City Wisconsin United States
Copeland Van T. 1918 Christadelphian Sweetwater Texas United States
Graber Elmer 1923 Mennonite Old Order Amish Loogootee Indiana United States
Holmquist Donald C. 1921 Evangelical Mission Covenant Minneapolis Minnesota United States
Palmer M. Harold 1926 Mennonite Old Reinholds Pennsylvania United States
Rempel Edward C. 1924 Mennonite Evangelical Brethren Meade Kansas United States
Ukranski John W. 1909 Associated Bible Students Chicago Illinois United States
Whittlesey Taber H. 1917 Friend Glendora California United States
Becker Melvin F. 1925 Mennonite General Conference Dolton South Dakota United States
Keplinger Vernon G. 1916 Brethren Jordan Run West Virginia United States
Bower Edwin T. 1918 Methodist Tucson Arizona United States
Williamson Paul 1917 Methodist Shirley Indiana United States
Nunnally J. B. 1921 Church of Christ Memphis Tennessee United States
Gregory John R. 1916 None Lodge Grass Montana United States
Kroeker Norman A. 1921 Mennonite General Conference Madrid Nebraska United States
Malone John R. 1917 Jehovah's Witness S. Pasadena California United States
Horst Ray E. 1924 Mennonite Ephrata Pennsylvania United States
Peachy Daniel J. 1918 Mennonite Old Order Amish Belleville Pennsylvania United States
Richert Irvin E. 1918 Mennonite General Conference Los Angeles California United States
Schwartz Otto K. 1918 Mennonite Kingman Kansas United States
Staby John H. 1911 Lutheran Kenmore New York United States
Breed Henry E. 1915 Friend Cornwall New York United States
Diener Paul S. 1923 Mennonite Hutchinson Kansas United States
Witmer Hiram H.(Howard) 1925 Mennonite Manheim Pennsylvania United States
