
Total number of workers found: 11935

Last Name Given Name Birth year Denomination City State Countrysort descending
Fisher John J. 1926 Methodist Goshen Indiana United States
Miller Levi M. 1926 Mennonite Amish Kokomo Indiana United States
Nissley David 1914 Mennonite Old Bloomfield Montana United States
Goldhor Herbert 1917 Friend Chicago Illinois United States
Benner Raymond L. 1926 Mennonite Bird-in-Hand Pennsylvania United States
Brickhouse Joseph B. 1911 Congregational Norfolk Virginia United States
Cline Melvin H 1918 Assemblies of God West Salem Oregon United States
Roth Sterling L. 1927 Mennonite Old Albany Oregon United States
Shenk F. Paul 1915 Brethren Sheridan Pennsylvania United States
Tweten Richard D. 1916 None Solway Minnesota United States
Whiteway Edwin N. 1917 None River Forest Illinois United States
Hoyle John C. 1905 Friend Arcadia California United States
O'Leary John J. 1918 Unitarian Scarsdale New York United States
Redfearn Kenneth R. 1921 Methodist Peoria Illinois United States
Friesen Willmer J. 1919 Mennonite General Conference American Falls Idaho United States
Mast John E. 1915 Mennonite Old Order Amish Millersburg Ohio United States
Bird Leroy C. 1916 United Presbyterian Oakland California United States
Sklover Chaim 1919 None New York New York United States
Suits Daniel B. 1918 None Ann Arbor Michigan United States
Landis Reed F. 1922 Congregational Christian Haddonfield New Jersey United States
Hershberger Clayton C. 1915 Mennonite Old Greenwood Delaware United States
Constable Charles R. 1918 Friend Blanchester Ohio United States
Rutt Edwin B. 1918 Mennonite Old Elizabethtown Pennsylvania United States
Short Lawrence E. 1921 Mennonite Defenseless Archbold Ohio United States
Uraine Peter J. 1924 Russian Molokan Glendale Arizona United States
Owens Albert C. 1924 Church of the First Born Oklahoma City Oklahoma United States
Reimche Henry 1921 Church of God, Seventh Day Lodi California United States
Gantz Wilbur B. 1923 Brethren Union New Jersey United States
Cravey Kaiser 1918 Holiness Baptist Jacksonville Georgia United States
Fee Gerald 1925 None Oakland California United States
McCormick Elmer E. 1921 Church of the Nazarene Sebaka Minnesota United States
Miller Henry A. 1919 Mennonite Old Order Amish Baltic Ohio United States
Newfeld Ervin F. 1918 Mennonite General Conference Mtn.Lake Minnesota United States
Gipe Elwood G. 1920 Old German Baptist Chambersburg Pennsylvania United States
Smith Kenneth J 1917 Unitarian Chicago Illinois United States
Le Valley Homer P. 1921 Friend Xenia Ohio United States
Boyd Edward A. 1917 Old German Baptist Delphi Indiana United States
Hostetler Dan D. 1914 Mennonite Amish Fredricksburg Ohio United States
Custer Charles S. 1907 Brethren Hillsboro Ohio United States
Fisher Oral F. 1919 Methodist Princeton Indiana United States
Miller Lloyd R. 1920 Mennonite Old Kalona Iowa United States
Nix John T. 1915 Baptist Memphis Tennessee United States
Goldwasser Martin 1906 Ethical Culture Society Brooklyn New York United States
Bennett H. Ernest 1915 Mennonite Akron Pennsylvania United States
Bridges William Ragan 1913 Disciples of Christ Mt. Sterling Kentucky United States
Hellensmith Russell C. 1918 Disciples of Christ Moberly Missouri United States
Clingenpeel Robert Leon 1915 Brethren Greentown Indiana United States
Rothman Sanford D. 1917 Jewish Los Angeles California United States
Sherfy Ralph E. 1914 Brethren Winchester Virginia United States
Tylutke Stanley P. 1918 Jehovah's Witness Avoca Pennsylvania United States
