Workers with Notes

Total number of workers found: 832

Last Name Given Name Birth year Denomination City Statesort descending Country
Cooley Charles F. 1918 Methodist Warren Ohio United States
Blosser Paul C. 1919 Mennonite Old Columbiana Ohio United States
Delk Ralph Merlin 1917 Brethren Lauro Ohio United States
Dole Arthur A. 1917 None Yellow Springs Ohio United States
Burkhalter N. Laurence 1920 Mennonite General Conference Bluffton Ohio United States
Byler Joe D. 1915 Mennonite Old Order Amish Middlefield Ohio United States
Bacon S. Allen 1919 Friend Cleveland Heights Ohio United States
Yoder Wayne R. 1918 Mennonite Bellefontaine Ohio United States
Miller Sturges 1918 Mennonite Old Millersburg Ohio United States
Troyer Noah B. 1916 Mennonite Amish Uniontown Ohio United States
Smith Wayne Brernard 1914 Old German Baptist Somerville Ohio United States
Ulery Dale W. 1911 Brethren in Christ Mennonite Springfield Ohio United States
Lehman John E. 1912 Mennonite N.Lima Ohio United States
Liechty Donald J. 1918 Mennonite Archbold Ohio United States
Kenty Calvin Bart 1914 Methodist Columbus Ohio United States
Martin Herbert L. 1917 Mennonite Old Leetonia Ohio United States
Frantz Albert E.* 1920 Old German Baptist Springfield Ohio United States
Hershberger E. Eugene 1921 Mennonite Old Louisville Ohio United States
Hetzel Willard C. 1912 Methodist Toledo Ohio United States
Hooley John David 1924 Mennonite West Liberty Ohio United States
Hunsberger Lloyd E. 1918 Methodist Wadsworth Ohio United States
Dick Wesley 1920 Mennonite General Conference Corn Oklahoma United States
Dyck Curt 1912 Mennonite Corn Oklahoma United States
Lewis Ralph G. 1921 None Hollis Oklahoma United States
Frantz Elmer 1922 Mennonite General Conference Orienta Oklahoma United States
Belan Edward S. 1917 Mennonite Old Tulsa Oklahoma United States
Boehs Leonard 1920 Mennonite Church of God in Christ Ringwood Oklahoma United States
Rouch Mark A. 1925 Methodist Guthrie Oklahoma United States
Foster Paul A. 1922 Disciples of Christ Norman Oklahoma United States
Boehs Willard 1924 Mennonite Church of God in Christ Ringwood Oklahoma United States
Miller* Wesly L. Mennonite Brethren Enid Oklahoma United States
Thomas Emil J. 1919 Mennonite General Conference Ringwood Oklahoma United States
Penner Alvin 1919 Mennonite Brethren Balko Oklahoma United States
Koehn Clarence 1926 Mennonite Church of God in Christ Fairview Oklahoma United States
Regier Menno 1916 Mennonite Brethren Enid Oklahoma United States
Wichert Clifford L. 1917 Mennonite Brethren Orienta Oklahoma United States
Smith Henry D. 1921 Mennonite Church of God in Christ Fairview Oklahoma United States
Birky Luke A. 1922 Mennonite Old Albany Oregon United States
Moravec Charles E. 1914 Catholic Portland Oregon United States
Roth Oscar E. 1924 Mennonite Old Woodburn Oregon United States
Neubauer Allan R. 1915 Evangelical Portland Oregon United States
Nice Howard F. 1922 Mennonite Old Sheridan Oregon United States
Petty Oliver W. 1914 Disciples of Christ Eugene Oregon United States
Helm Albert Eldon 1918 Friend Portland Oregon United States
Winker James B. 1920 Methodist Portland Oregon United States
Downs Warren F 1925 Methodist Salem Oregon United States
Nafziger William Edgar 1917 Mennonite Salem Oregon United States
Isely H. Philip 1915 None Salem Oregon United States
Kenagy Clifford R. 1921 Mennonite Corvallis Oregon United States
Burck Clarence R. 1919 Mennonite Albany Oregon United States
