Workers with Notes

Total number of workers found: 832

Last Name Given Name Birth year Denomination Citysort descending State Country
Culp Millard M. 1920 Mennonite Tiskilwa Illinois United States
Rocke Vernon S. 1911 Mennonite Old Tiskilwa Illinois United States
Culp Lester I. 1918 Mennonite Old Tiskilwa Illinois United States
Cox Robert M. 1918 Lutheran Toledo Ohio United States
Hetzel Willard C. 1912 Methodist Toledo Ohio United States
Kuohn Richard A. 1917 Lutheran Toledo Ohio United States
Mast Uriah L. 1919 Amish Mennonite Topeka Indiana United States
Yoder Samuel L. 1920 Mennonite Old Topeka Indiana United States
Belan Edward S. 1917 Mennonite Old Tulsa Oklahoma United States
Miller Johas A.* 1915 Mennonite Old Order Amish Tuscoula Illinois United States
Keeney Lloyd R. 1909 Methodist Ucasville Connecticut United States
Troyer Noah B. 1916 Mennonite Amish Uniontown Ohio United States
Schrock* Mervin 1923 Mennonite Amish Uniontown Ohio United States
Hensel Glenn 1922 Brethren in Christ Mennonite Upland California United States
Le Compte Olin H. 1921 None Utica New York United States
Gingerich Delmar S. 1918 Church of Christ Valparaiso Indiana United States
Dooly Arthur T. 1911 Brethren Vandalia Illinois United States
Liebelt Arthur A. 1910 Mennonite Brethren Velva North Dakota United States
Sitkens* Klaas F. 1906 Seventh Day Adventist Venice California United States
Fletcher Ray 1918 Brethren Ventura California United States
Hilty Calvin A. 1919 Mennonite General Conference Versailles Missouri United States
Scott Albert L. 1913 Friend Vineyard Haven Massachusetts United States
Grogan Otis B. 1910 Baptist Vinton Virginia United States
Hartzler Donald B. 1918 Mennonite Old W.Liberty Ohio United States
Hunsberger Lloyd E. 1918 Methodist Wadsworth Ohio United States
Kreider John R.* 1919 Mennonite Old Wadsworth Ohio United States
Troyer Henry 1916 Mennonite Walnut Creek Ohio United States
Lyon Robert A. 1921 Friend Waltham Massachusetts United States
Goertz Alvin H. 1919 Mennonite General Conference Walton Kansas United States
Goertz Ernest A. 1922 Mennonite General Conference Walton Kansas United States
Cooley Charles F. 1918 Methodist Warren Ohio United States
Pehl Max M. 1917 Presbyterian Warrensburg Missouri United States
Ditmars Lloyd G. 1917 Brethren Washington Kansas United States
Stanley James W. 1915 Friend Washington District Of Columbia United States
Nebel Dale A. 1916 Mennonite General Conference Washington Iowa United States
Craven Roger W. 1908 Friend Washington District Of Columbia United States
Hodges Roland E. 1922 Methodist Washington North Carolina United States
Cohn Jacob J. 1920 Unknown Waukesha Wisconsin United States
Weyandt* Harold Earl 1918 Mennonite Wauseon Ohio United States
Rupp Glenn D. 1921 Mennonite Old Wauseon Ohio United States
Nebel Gerald R. 1925 Mennonite Old Wayland Iowa United States
Thurston* Eugene E. Unknown Wayne Michigan United States
Hertzler Emanual C. 1917 Mennonite Old Waynesburg Ohio United States
Diener Eber Glenn 1925 Mennonite Old Wellman Iowa United States
Hershberger Bernard M. 1924 Mennonite Old Wellman Iowa United States
Hershey Roy B. 1920 Mennonite Old Wellsville Pennsylvania United States
Brinton William F 1909 Friend West Chester Pennsylvania United States
Hooley John David 1924 Mennonite West Liberty Ohio United States
Bixler David W. 1926 Mennonite Old West Liberty Ohio United States
King K. Eldon 1925 Mennonite West Liberty Ohio United States
