Profile of Irvin Horst

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Profile of Irvin Horst

The following is a profile of Irvin B. Horst written in The Olive Branch newsletter of CPS Camp 4:


"Visitors coming to camp are met by a tall, scholarly gentleman, dignified, but pleasantly friendly. Meeting new arrivals, he introduces them to the camp and assists new campees in getting prepared for the routine of camp life.

A general favorite and well-liked by all the camp, he also has the important position of Office and Education Assistant. His work includes teaching, mail sorting and distribution, meeting visitors, care of bulletin board and posing [sic] of announcements, keeping furlough records and class attendance records, assisting with the directing of the educational program, and taking care of magazines and other such reading materials. Besides these duties, he is also superintendent of the Sunday Morning Bible Study Hour, and librarian.

A voracious reader, a deep thinker, a convincing writer and speaker, and an interesting and effective teacher, Irvin Horst is also a good sport and considerate of the rights of others and a spiritual leader among the boys in camp.

His chief interest, next to his interest in a certain talented teacher and writer is his interest in books. Ask him if you want to know anything about them. The Book-a-month club demonstrates this interest in books.

It is hard to stop writing about this versatile and active member of our camp group. We know that staff and fellow campees alike praise him, and we predict great things from our friend Irvin."


For full newsletter see: The Olive Branch, March 7, 1942.

Used with permission by Mennonite Central Committee, copyright holder.