CPS Unit Number 115-00
Camp: 115
Unit ID: 0
Title: Human Guinea Pig Experiments
Opened: unknown
Closed: unknown
Total number of workers who worked in this camp: 22
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 17Harold Blickenstaff. University of Minnesota Laboratory of Physiological Hygiene, Minneapolis, Minnesota.Digital image from the C.D. Smith Papers in Civilian Public Service: Personal Papers & Miscellaneous Material (DG 056), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 177th week of semi-starvation. Weight 119.5. (starting weight 2/12/45: 136.5). Nose clip, mask & hose used for controlling gas expelled during respiration. University of Minnesota Laboratory of Physiological Hygiene, Minneapolis, Minnesota.Digital image from the C.D. Smith Papers in Civilian Public Service: Personal Papers & Miscellaneous Material (DG 056), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, PennsylvaniaMarch 27, 1945
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 17University of Minnesota Laboratory of Physiological Hygiene, Minneapolis, Minnesota.Digital image from the C.D. Smith Papers in Civilian Public Service: Personal Papers & Miscellaneous Material (DG 056), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 10Taking water & air temperature for seawater experiment/s (Milton Gold). Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts.Digital image from the American Friends Service Committee: Civilian Public Service Records (DG 002), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania1945
CPS Camp No. 115, subunits 17 & 18, University of Minnesota.Minneapolis Semi-starvation CPS unit.Digital Image © 2011 Brethren Historical Library and Archives. All Rights Reserved.
CPS Camp No. 115, subunits 17 & 18, University of Minnesota.Earl Heckman, from Rocky Ford, Colorado, on a treadmill as he takes electrical stylus through a pattern maze - tests coordination and records it automatically; February 28, 1945.Digital Image © 2011 Brethren Historical Library and Archives. All Rights Reserved.February 28, 1945
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 30Civilian Public Service unit 115 human guinea pigs, at University of Illinois; front, left to right, Elmer Fricke, Howard Blosser, Dwane Houghan; back, left to right, George Nachtigal, Henry Tobyes, Paul Blosser.Digital image at Mennonite Church USA Archives, North Newton, Kansasca. 1945
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 3Pulse was a newsletter published at Camp 115, subunit 3.Digital image from the American Friends Service Committee: Civilian Public Service Records (DG 002), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 33The Weekly Grunt was a newsletter published by the men at Camp 115, subunit 33, from July through September 1944.Digital image from the American Friends Service Committee: Civilian Public Service Records (DG 002), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 21CPS man on tilt board during dehydration experiment.Digital image from American Friends Service Committee: CPS Records (DG002), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 21Man [Peter Watson?] riding on bike on dehydration against electrical brake, 10 minutes every hour.Digital image from American Friends Service Committee: CPS Records (DG002), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 21A pressure test. Effect on the system when a man in the heat and dehydrated, puts his hand in cool water.Digital image from American Friends Service Committee: CPS Records (DG002), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 21Taking blood from a CPS man in the heat to discover any unusual effects from taking blood when the veins are dilated due to heat.Digital image from American Friends Service Committee: CPS Records (DG002), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 10CPSer receiving injection before salt water experiment, 1943.Digital image from American Friends Service Committee: CPS Records (DG002), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 10Salt Water experiment. Respirator mechanism, 1943.Digital image from American Friends Service Committee: CPS Records (DG002), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 10CPSer breathing into respirator during Salt Water experiment, 1943.Digital image from American Friends Service Committee: CPS Records (DG002), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 10CPSer being hooked up? or blood pressure taken? for salt water experiment, 1943.Digital image from American Friends Service Committee: CPS Records (DG002), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 10Milton Gold at Camp 115, subunit 10.Digital image from American Friends Service Committee: CPS Records (DG002), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 179 C.O.’s are serving as ‘guinea pigs’ in experiments at the University of Minnesota to determine international standards regarding the minimum amount of vitamins necessary to sustain healthy adult life. Results should be valuable in making possible better use of available supplies, especially during the postwar period. Two of the men [George Cain and Walter Carlson] serve as lab technicians as well. 1943.Digital image from American Friends Service Committee: CPS Records (DG002), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 17Fluoroscope is used to check internal effects of a deficient diet. Norman Miller and Dr. Taylor.Digital image from American Friends Service Committee: CPS Records (DG002), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 17Trevor Sandness weighing a mouse.Digital image from American Friends Service Committee: CPS Records (DG002), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 17Deficient diets taste good, but… Trevor Sandness, Walter Carlson, Norman Miller, Sel Copeland, Jack O’ Leary, Joe Blair, Wilbur Dunbar, George Caine, Harold Guetzkow.Digital image from American Friends Service Committee: CPS Records (DG002), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 33Innoculation day at Pinehurst.Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection, Francis Barr CPS Collection, MC2011/233
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 33The "Boss", Major Abernathey, at Pinehurst.Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection, Francis Barr CPS Collection, MC2011/233
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 33Pinehurst, North Carolina.Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection, Francis Barr CPS Collection, MC2011/233
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 33Check up at Pinehurst.Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection, Francis Barr CPS Collection, MC2011/233
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 33Room at Pinehurst.Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection, Francis Barr CPS Collection, MC2011/233
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 33Room at Pinehurst. One of the pennants reads "Luray Caverns".Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection, Francis Barr CPS Collection, MC2011/233
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 33Car at Pinehurst, North Carolina.Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection, Francis Barr CPS Collection, MC2011/233
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 33Passing time at Pinehurst.Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection, Francis Barr CPS Collection, MC2011/233
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 33Men in masks at Pinehurst.Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection, Francis Barr CPS Collection, MC2011/233
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 33Getting some sunshine at Pinehurst.Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection, Francis Barr CPS Collection, MC2011/233
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 14"Mirl Whitaker. Cold Exposure Experiment. Rochester, NY. Strong Memorial Hospital. Sitting Posture, 4 hrs @ a time."Photo provided by Leo Baldwin.
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 14Mirl Whitaker with lab technician.Photo provided by Leo Baldwin.
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 21Harry KadetPhoto provided by Leo Baldwin.August 1945
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 21"Meryl Whittaker [sic]. Protein Deficiency Diet Experiment. Strong Memorial Hospital. Rochester, NY. Drinking diet element."Photo provided by Leo Baldwin.
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 21"Two of the unit men in the stand, the two on the left. On left--Mirl Whitaker. On right--Bob Jong."Photo provided by Leo Baldwin.
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 21"Protein Deficiency Lab team. Mrs. 'Mac'--in charge of lab. Mertice Van Thof (Dr. Murlin's sec'y). At the picnic--Sept. (August) 1945."Photo provided by Leo Baldwin.
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 21"Breaking the diet--August 1945. Around the table from left to right--Ray Stanley, George Spicer, Thad Scymansky[?], Dr. Murlin, Dr. Fried, Irvin Eller, Bob Dick, Mirl Whitaker, Bill Sowden[?], Roland Ortmayer, *Benglen (just the arm), *Baldwin--back to camera at right corner. (*not in this photo!)"Photo provided by Leo Baldwin.August 1945
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 21Oral FisherPhoto provided by Leo Baldwin.
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 21Amos CulpPhoto provided by Leo Baldwin.September 1945
CPS Camp No. 115, subunit 21"Mirl Whitaker--Amino Acid"Photo provided by Leo Baldwin.
March 27, 1945
February 28, 1945
ca. 1945
August 1945
August 1945
September 1945
CPS Unit No. 115, a series of medical and research experiments in various locations under the auspices of the Office of Scientific Research and Development (OSRD) with a cooperative group of the three historic peace churches, opened in 1943 and closed in October 1946. The Brethren, Friends and Mennonites helped recruit volunteers for this series of experiments. “Though careful to weed out any experiments that might be too closely related to war-work, the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and the Brethren Service Committee (BSC) agreed to provide oversight for numerous experiments around the United States”. (Yoder, 2010) The most well publicized of those was the Minnesota Starvation Experiment directed by Ancel Keys at the University of Minnesota Laboratory of Physiological Hygiene.
Administered through agency officers.
The People:
Approximately five hundred COs volunteered for medical experiments conducted by researchers at leading universities and hospitals in the nation. Of those, some three hundred men took part in experiments exploring effects of nutrition under different conditions as a way to utilize limited food resources and seek ways to utilize limited food most effectively in relief and rehabilitation efforts in war devastated areas. A series of experiments sought effective drugs to treat the epidemic disease of malaria, some procedures infecting the men, and then measuring the debilitating effects of the disease.
The American Friends Service Committee and the Brethren Service Committee served as oversight agencies for many of the studies, and the Mennonite Central Committee served in that capacity for one subunit. A few Mennonites participated in Brethren and Friends projects, “but never more than eleven were to found in Unit No. 115 at any one time. The Mennonites made their major contributions in other areas of service”. (Gingerich p. 270)
This description draws on the work of Anne M. Yoder, of the Swarthmore College Peace Collection on “Human Guinea Pigs in CPS Detached Service, 1943-1946, List Compiled by Anne M. Yoder, Archivist, November 2010”. She relied on “work reports sent to NSBRO and/or General Hershey by Mary B. Newman, director of Unit 115”. (Yoder p. 2)
CPS Unit No. 115 subunit 00 is unknown for these CPS men due to insufficient information in their directory records.