
Total number of workers found: 11935

Last Name Given Name Birth year Denomination City State Countrysort ascending
Finke Paul A. 1917 Spring Valley Wisconsin United States
Neff Mahlon E. 1921 Mennonite Old Lagrange Indiana United States
Plaugher James W. 1920 Baptist Fresno California United States
Roth Darwin J. 1925 Mennonite Old Stryker Ohio United States
Brilhart Kenneth J. 1926 Brethren Rochester Mills Pennsylvania United States
Spensley Malcolm C. 1919 Methodist Delmar New York United States
Thompson Everett D. 1924 Friend Haviland Kansas United States
Miller Perry E. 1921 Mennonite Old Order Amish Grabill Indiana United States
Cope James 1920 Friend Ithaca New York United States
Koehn Paul R. 1920 Mennonite General Conference Perryton Texas United States
Hubbard Robert C. 1907 Jehovah's Witness Knoxville Tennessee United States
Blackwell Hubert C. 1913 Church of Christ Elk River Idaho United States
Draper John E. 1917 Methodist Downey California United States
Hall Henry B. 1920 Presbyterian St. Paul Minnesota United States
Isaacs Elmer M. 1917 Church of God Turpin Oklahoma United States
Brown Robert H. 1905 Brethren Mt.Pleasant Pennsylvania United States
Mast Eli Jacob 1916 Mennonite Arthur Illinois United States
Mills Robert W. 1919 Friend Indianapolis Indiana United States
Wall Albert G. 1907 Mennonite Brethren Hillsboro Kansas United States
Wolfe Mark W. 1918 Brethren Pine Grove Pennsylvania United States
Kraybill Arthur S. 1920 Mennonite Mt. Joy Pennsylvania United States
Davis Walter S. 1915 Friend Mullica Hill New Jersey United States
Jost Francis F. 1918 Mennonite Brethren Hillsboro Kansas United States
Boese Ralph W. 1921 Mennonite General Conference Hillsboro Kansas United States
Earl Forrest W. 1915 Methodist Battle Creek Michigan United States
Harbour Dean H. 1919 Methodist Long Beach California United States
McConnell Ben H. 1918 Episcopal Okmulgee California United States
Farmer Arnold A. 1925 Jehovah's Witness Pilot Rock Oregon United States
Myer Dana L. 1916 Brethren Flora Indiana United States
Petersime Marvin B. 1921 Brethren Gettysburg Ohio United States
Rodemeyer Harvey E. 1906 Megiddo Mission Rochester New York United States
Snyder Henry G. 1920 Brethren West Leesport Pennsylvania United States
Ten Brink Howard 1915 Methodist Spring Green Wisconsin United States
Waters Elbert E. 1918 Brethren Luray Virginia United States
Wyly* Eton C 1927 Church of Christ Friona Texas United States
Cohn Sigmund S. 1920 None New York New York United States
Denlinger Jay Elvin 1926 Mennonite Columbia Pennsylvania United States
Kauffman Alvin D. 1921 Mennonite Conservative Middlebury Indiana United States
Hostetler Garrison H. 1920 Mennonite Louisville Ohio United States
Berokoff Peter J 1923 Russian Molokan Los Angeles California United States
Fiore Pasquale P. 1915 None Brooklyn New York United States
Neff Theodore 1919 United Brethren Lansdowne Pennsylvania United States
Pletcher Ralph H. 1918 Mennonite Old Goshen Indiana United States
Roth Glenn D. 1922 Mennonite Old Lebanon Oregon United States
Bringewatt Lawrence F. 1908 Assemblies of God Garden City Kansas United States
Sperling Menno M. 1905 Mennonite General Conference Moundridge Kansas United States
Miller Ray Allen 1918 Brethren Spring Grove Pennsylvania United States
Copeland Julian Q 1916 Church of Christ Lake Park Georgia United States
Koehn Theodore F. 1916 Mennonite General Conference Avon South Dakota United States
Huber Chester F. 1917 Jehovah's Witness Los Angeles California United States
