
Total number of workers found: 11935

Last Name Given Name Birth year Denomination City State Countrysort descending
Brandon Jesse J. 1900 Pentecostal Holiness Danville Virginia United States
Segal Benjamin D. 1915 Friend Chicago Illinois United States
Stanley Philip B. 1919 Friend Kokomo Indiana United States
Gleiser Charles C. 1918 Methodist Seattle Washington United States
Burden Lowell D. 1926 Mennonite Old South English Iowa United States
Guhr Henry 1916 Mennonite General Conference Hillsboro Kansas United States
DeHaven Clark G. 1919 Methodist Dallas Oregon United States
Hineline Warren M. 1923 Brethren Joliet Illinois United States
Jost Eldon L. 1925 Mennonite Brethren Hillsboro Kansas United States
Shatzel Albert V. 1914 Congregational Christian Claremont California United States
VanDyke Chester L. 1918 Christian Assembly Washington Georgia United States
Williams Dale E. 1923 Brethren Granville Ohio United States
Good Leland L. 1925 Mennonite Old Webb City Missouri United States
Butler Silas N. 1921 Church of God & Saints of Christ Washington District Of Columbia United States
Hall Bernard V. 1909 Unknown New York New York United States
Pannabecker Richard F. 1922 Mennonite General Conference Bluffton Ohio United States
Renno John S. 1909 Mennonite Old Order Bird-in-Hand Pennsylvania United States
Knepp Abraham 1923 Mennonite Old Order Amish Montgomery Indiana United States
Friesen Elmer K. 1926 Krimmer Mennonite Brethren Hillsboro Kansas United States
Mason Charles A. 1926 Jehovah's Witness Annapolis Maryland United States
Miller Wilks E. 1920 Mennonite Conservative Kalona Iowa United States
Hoffer Emanuel S. 1920 Brethren in Christ Mennonite Manheim Pennsylvania United States
Kauble John H. 1916 Jehovah's Witness Forest Ohio United States
Wadsworth Charles E. 1917 Unitarian Ridgewood New Jersey United States
Winters John W. 1915 Mennonite Kinzers Pennsylvania United States
Boshart Robert S. 1920 Mennonite Goshen Indiana United States
Pearson Wilfred D. 1906 Friend Portland Oregon United States
Ricks James H. 1916 Friend Richmond Virginia United States
Koenig Richard C. 1923 Evangelical & Reformed Chicago Illinois United States
Davidheiser Bolton 1912 Friend ColumBus Ohio United States
Gaeddert John W. 1924 Mennonite General Conference Buhler Kansas United States
Maust Earl M. 1919 Mennonite Conservative Amish Pigeon Michigan United States
Mohler Carl E. 1915 Brethren Ephrata Pennsylvania United States
Brandt Lloyd Carleton 1924 Brethren LaVerne California United States
Seiler William E. 1926 Mennonite Church of God in Christ Carson City Michigan United States
Stanley Woodrow L. 1913 Friend Fillmore Indiana United States
Glick Lester J. 1918 Mennonite Sugarcreek Ohio United States
Burgess Doyle E. 1924 Baptist Greenville South Carolina United States
Guinn Joseph 1916 Baptist Chicago Illinois United States
Deitz Elmer D. 1926 Brethren York Pennsylvania United States
Hinshaw George C. 1925 Friend Asheboro North Carolina United States
Jost Levi H. 1921 Mennonite Reedley California United States
Shaw Eugene 1922 Unitarian New York New York United States
Vannorsdell Everett R. 1916 Brethren Kingsley Iowa United States
Williams Floyd Wendell 1918 Friend Greenleaf Idaho United States
Hall Darwin D. 1917 Unknown Holley New York United States
Pardoe James M. 1906 Presbyterian Trenton New Jersey United States
Repp Willis E. 1911 Friend Portland Oregon United States
Knepp James 1926 Mennonite Montgomery Indiana United States
Friesen Henry Roger 1926 Mennonite Brethren Reedley California United States
