
Total number of workers found: 11935

Last Name Given Name Birth year Denomination Citysort descending State Country
Rohrer Paul M. 1914 Brethren in Christ Mennonite Troy Ohio United States
Palsgrove Emery Eugene 1923 Brethren Troy Ohio United States
Youngs Richard T 1921 Methodist Troy New York United States
Cole George 1913 Episcopal Troy New York United States
Weldy Marvin L. 1919 Nazarene Troy Ohio United States
Schneider Robert M. 1921 Episcopal Troy New York United States
Hunt Emery W. 1913 Friend Tryon Oklahoma United States
Horne E. Howard 1923 Brethren Tryon North Carolina United States
Weber William H. 1918 Congregational Christian Tuckahoe New York United States
Marshall William A. 1919 Friend Tuckahoe New York United States
Peterbridge John H. 1914 Methodist Tuckahoe New York United States
Foshee Ora T. 1919 Church of Christ Tuckerman Arkansas United States
Warner Herbert E. 1922 Methodist Tucson Arizona United States
Bower Edwin T. 1918 Methodist Tucson Arizona United States
Todd B. Morris 1913 Sanctified Church of Christ Tucson Arkansas United States
Cortez Robert C. 1925 Apostolic Christian Church Tulare California United States
Welch Herbert 1913 Methodist Tulare California United States
Elmore Floyd B. 1915 Jehovah's Witness Tulare California United States
Elmore Roscoe D. 1917 Jehovah's Witness Tulare California United States
Stone Robert J. 1919 Presbyterian Tulsa Oklahoma United States
Belan Edward S. 1917 Mennonite Old Tulsa Oklahoma United States
Adams Robert N. 1918 Unitarian Tulsa Oklahoma United States
Friedman Maurice S. 1921 Jewish Tulsa Oklahoma United States
Rickard Marvin L. 1915 Methodist Tulsa Oklahoma United States
Wiggins Delmar E. 1915 Methodist Tunk Lonnock Pennsylvania United States
Whitehair Arnold 1912 Brethren Tura Alta West Virginia United States
Whitehair Earle F. 1917 Brethren Tura Alta West Virginia United States
Loewen Peter R. 1919 Mennonite Turlock California United States
Dugger Charles A. 1926 Church of God, Seventh Day Turner Oregon United States
Isaacs Elmer M. 1917 Church of God Turpin Oklahoma United States
Epp John 1909 Mennonite General Conference Turpin Oklahoma United States
Regier David E. 1918 Mennonite General Conference Turpin Oklahoma United States
Buller Harry 1919 Mennonite Turpin Oklahoma United States
Epp Pete 1911 Mennonite General Conference Turpin Oklahoma United States
Defalco Edward E. 1918 Jehovah's Witness Turtle Creek Pennsylvania United States
Miller Johas A.* 1915 Mennonite Old Order Amish Tuscoula Illinois United States
Combs Richard A. 1915 Hephzibah Faith Tuthill South Dakota United States
Haviland Leonard W. 1913 Hephzibah Faith Tuthill South Dakota United States
Hovland Elmer G. 1924 Jehovah's Witness Twin Lakes Minnesota United States
Swain Kurtis W. 1925 Jehovah's Witness Ty Ty Georgia United States
Juarez Juan 1920 Latin American Council of Christian Churches Tynan Texas United States
Beam Herbert P. 1924 Methodist Tyrone Pennsylvania United States
Keeney Lloyd R. 1909 Methodist Ucasville Connecticut United States
Williams Amos 1925 Church of God in Christ Ulline Illinois United States
Schmidt Daniel B. 1921 Mennonite Brethren Ulysses Kansas United States
Harms Isaac N. 1918 Mennonite Brethren Ulysses Kansas United States
Harms John N. Mennonite Brethren Ulysses Kansas United States
Koehn Curtis J. 1921 Mennonite Church of God in Christ Ulysses Kansas United States
Koehn John J. 1926 Mennonite Church of God in Christ Ulysses Kansas United States
Hall Charles B. 1922 Church of God Unaka North Carolina United States
