Workers with Notes

Total number of workers found: 832

Last Name Given Name Birth year Denomination City State Countrysort descending
Taege* Ivan E. 1924 Church of God, Seventh Day Pilger Nebraska United States
Graeler Marvin W. H. 1918 Evangelical & Reformed Clayton Missouri United States
Wipf Mike J. 1919 Hutterian Brethren Ethon South Dakota United States
Horst John L. 1923 Mennonite Old Ephrata Pennsylvania United States
Greaser Lawrence H. 1922 Mennonite Old Hesston Kansas United States
Wolf Howard F. 1920 Methodist Erie Pennsylvania United States
Groening Francis J. 1915 Mennonite Brethren Hillsboro Kansas United States
Wyly Porter U. 1919 Church of Christ Friona Texas United States
Huddle Wilmer S. 1927 Mennonite Old Hunkers Pennsylvania United States
Guhr Jacob 1913 Mennonite General Conference Hillsboro Kansas United States
Yamada George H. 1918 Evangelical & Reformed San Francisco California United States
Habegger Loris A. 1918 Mennonite General Conference Berne Indiana United States
Yoder Alvin C. 1920 Mennonite Old Order Amish Kalona Iowa United States
Ehret Robert D. 1921 Mennonite Goshen Indiana United States
Yoder Donald S. 1916 Mennonite Elkhart Indiana United States
Emery Arthur H. 1924 Friend Portland Maine United States
Harnish James R. 1922 Mennonite Old Eureka Illinois United States
Yoder Melvin J. 1917 Mennonite Goshen Indiana United States
Ernst Howard P. 1922 Mennonite Carlock Illinois United States
Hartzler Donald B. 1918 Mennonite Old W.Liberty Ohio United States
Yoder Otis P. 1919 Mennonite Mylo North Dakota United States
Fielding Frank 1920 Methodist Baltimore Maryland United States
Heatwole David E.* 1919 Mennonite Dayton Virginia United States
Yoder Russell L. 1917 Mennonite Old Parnell Iowa United States
Flaming Wilhelm B. 1917 Mennonite Hillsboro Kansas United States
Helburn Nicholas 1918 None Bozeman Montana United States
Yoder Wayne R. 1918 Mennonite Bellefontaine Ohio United States
Flora Orville Hubert 1923 Old German Baptist Bradford Ohio United States
Hensgen Arthur 1913 Baptist Cincinnati Ohio United States
Zehr Donald L. 1920 Mennonite Old Manson Iowa United States
Foye William D. 1919 Baptist Middletown Connecticut United States
Hershberger Dan J. 1927 Mennonite Apple Creek Ohio United States
Zerger Vernon M 1927 Mennonite General Conference McPherson Kansas United States
Frey Walter Harley 1914 Mennonite Elkhart Indiana United States
Hershberger Sylvanus E. 1919 Mennonite Old Order Amish Charm Ohio United States
Zimmerman Lester J. 1918 Mennonite Conway Kansas United States
Hertzler Emanual C. 1917 Mennonite Old Waynesburg Ohio United States
Gehret Robert W. 1921 Mennonite Brethren in Christ Bethelhem Pennsylvania United States
Gerig Irvin L. 1920 Mennonite Old Lebanon Oregon United States
Himes Milo D. 1919 Methodist Philadelphia Pennsylvania United States
Gingerich Delmar S. 1918 Church of Christ Valparaiso Indiana United States
Hodges Roland E. 1922 Methodist Washington North Carolina United States
Goering Erwin C. 1913 Mennonite General Conference N. Newton Kansas United States
Wiggers Allen A. 1920 Mennonite Church of God in Christ Halstead Kansas United States
Goering Paul L. 1922 Mennonite General Conference Moundridge Kansas United States
Wilhelm Paul A. 1916 Friend Philadelphia Pennsylvania United States
Hogle George H. 1915 Episcopal Salt Lake City Utah United States
Goertzen Peter 1913 Mennonite Brethren Shafter California United States
Willoughby Leon 1913 Mennonite Brethren in Christ Detroit Michigan United States
Hollister Barrett 1914 Friend Yellow Springs Ohio United States
