Workers with Notes

Total number of workers found: 832

Last Name Given Name Birth year Denomination City State Countrysort descending
Miller* Robert L. 1919 Brethren Beatrice Nebraska United States
Riggs Thomas L. 1915 Methodist Pierre South Dakota United States
Morgan John T. 1906 Friend Richmond Indiana United States
Rocke Vernon S. 1911 Mennonite Old Tiskilwa Illinois United States
Musser Harvey G. 1925 Mennonite General Conference Narvon Pennsylvania United States
Ropp John L. 1921 Mennonite Conservative Amish Kalona Iowa United States
Nachtigal Henry Elmer 1917 Mennonite General Conference Halstead Kansas United States
Rouch Mark A. 1925 Methodist Guthrie Oklahoma United States
Nafziger William Edgar 1917 Mennonite Salem Oregon United States
Rumsey Robert J. 1918 Methodist Wisconsin Rapids Wisconsin United States
Nelson Boyd H. 1919 Congregational Christian Ash Creek Minnesota United States
Rychener Dale E. 1917 Mennonite Old Archbold Ohio United States
Neufeld Adolf W. 1920 Mennonite General Conference Inman Kansas United States
Sanders Herman G. 1920 Church of Christ Furley Kansas United States
Nicholson John Edgar 1923 Friend Silver Springs, Maryland United States
Sato Jyuichi 1922 Congregational Christian Haverford Pennsylvania United States
Norris* Earl W. 1911 Jehovah's Witness Gillespie Illinois United States
Schafer Roger S. 1919 Friend New York New York United States
Oyer John S. 1925 Mennonite Old Goshen Indiana United States
Schlabach Levi D. 1921 Mennonite Old Order Amish Sugarcreek Ohio United States
Pennell Francis C. 1926 Friend Media Pennsylvania United States
Schrag Orvid R. 1917 Mennonite General Conference McPherson Kansas United States
Penner Randolph V. 1921 Mennonite General Conference Hillsboro Kansas United States
Schrock Joseph M. 1918 Mennonite Old Order Amish Arthur Illinois United States
Phend Harold R. 1919 Brethren Albion Indiana United States
Pierce Benjamin T. 1916 Episcopal New York New York United States
Preheim Delbert V. 1913 Mennonite General Conference Marion South Dakota United States
Miller Johas A.* 1915 Mennonite Old Order Amish Tuscoula Illinois United States
Raber Andrew E. 1926 Mennonite Old Order Amish Baltic Ohio United States
Miller Roy R. Mennonite Millersburg Ohio United States
Reese Justin G. 1918 Friend Cooperstown New York United States
Miller Uriah S. 1919 Mennonite Old Shipshewana Indiana United States
