Workers with Notes

Total number of workers found: 832

Last Name Given Name Birth year Denomination Citysort descending State Country
Yoder Paul A. 1918 Mennonite Old Order Amish Millersburg Ohio United States
Miller Roy R. Mennonite Millersburg Ohio United States
Smith Roland F. 1917 Congregational Christian Milton Massachusetts United States
Zahn Gordon C. 1918 Catholic Milwaukee Wisconsin United States
Swan John C. 1918 Methodist Milwaukee Wisconsin United States
Bates Francis P. 1915 Catholic Milwaukee Wisconsin United States
Joyce James A. 1925 Methodist Minneapolis Kansas United States
Nilsson Veryl E. 1911 Congregational Christian Minneapolis Minnesota United States
Crouch Aaron B. 1917 Hephzibah Faith Mitchell South Dakota United States
Beachler Donald G. 1927 Old German Baptist Modesto California United States
Beard Paul W. 1922 Brethren Modesto California United States
McCullagh Robert P. 1915 Methodist Monrovia California United States
Dodds Robert C. 1918 Presbyterian Montclair New Jersey United States
Stodola Quentin C. 1918 Episcopal Montclair New Jersey United States
Schmidt Edwin R. 1918 Mennonite Church of God in Christ Montezuma Kansas United States
Sharpless Palmer M. 1922 Friend Morristown New Jersey United States
Snipes Samuel M. 1919 Friend Morrisville Pennsylvania United States
Kaufman Dan P. 1916 Mennonite Moundridge Kansas United States
Stucky Winton 1916 Mennonite Moundridge Kansas United States
Goering Paul L. 1922 Mennonite General Conference Moundridge Kansas United States
Nikkel Harold J. 1921 Mennonite General Conference Moundridge Kansas United States
Stucky Oliver G. 1920 Mennonite General Conference Moundridge Kansas United States
Goering J. Hobart 1918 Mennonite General Conference Moundridge Kansas United States
Goering Victor R. 1920 Mennonite General Conference Moundridge Kansas United States
Kaufman Virgil M. 1925 Mennonite General Conference Moundridge Kansas United States
Schrag Edwin J. 1919 Mennonite General Conference Moundridge Kansas United States
Wall Willie A 1919 Mennonite General Conference Mountain Lake Minnesota United States
Ewert John L. 1920 Mennonite Brethren Mountain Lake Minnesota United States
Wall Arthur B. 1915 Mennonite Brethren Mountain Lake Minnesota United States
Martin Landis C. 1917 Mennonite Mountville Pennsylvania United States
Olmstead Peter S. 1924 Friend Moylan Pennsylvania United States
Widmer Galen W. 1918 Mennonite Amish Mt Pleasant Iowa United States
Brubaker James M. 1919 Brethren in Christ Mennonite Mt. Joy Pennsylvania United States
Wyse Marlin S 1921 Mennonite Old Mt. Pleasand Iowa United States
Yoder Otis P. 1919 Mennonite Mylo North Dakota United States
Yoder Ottis 1919 Mennonite Old Mylo North Dakota United States
Watrous Stanley R. 1914 Friend Mystic Connecticut United States
Dickey John B. 1918 Brethren N. Manchester Indiana United States
Goering Erwin C. 1913 Mennonite General Conference N. Newton Kansas United States
Eighme Lewis D. 1920 Essenes N. Salt Lake Utah United States
Lehman John E. 1912 Mennonite N.Lima Ohio United States
Barr Ernest G. 1926 Brethren Nampa Idaho United States
Anderson Tobe 1915 Mennonite Old Nappanee Indiana United States
Kulp Joseph 1914 Mennonite Old Nappanee Indiana United States
Martin John B. 1920 Mennonite Old Narvon Pennsylvania United States
Musser Harvey G. 1925 Mennonite General Conference Narvon Pennsylvania United States
Phifer Gregg 1918 Methodist Nashville Tennessee United States
Wik Harold T. 1916 Baptist Nerbeck South Dakota United States
Bowman Kenneth O. 1916 Old German Baptist New Carlisle Ohio United States
Swift David E. 1914 Congregational Christian New Haven Connecticut United States
