"Treatment of Mental Patients"

"Treatment of Mental Patients"

"Treatment of Mental Patients"

(The following is an excerpt from a letter from Lester Glick of the Hawthornden State Hospital)

            “In working with our patients we have many occasions to demonstrate our Christian philosophy. To illustrate: One evening one of our men asked one of the violent patients to retire to his ‘strong room.’ The patient immediately burst forth in a fit of rage and made all types of threats to our attendant. In place of using coercion on the patient, our C.P.S. man gave the patient a winsome smile and gently placed his hand on his shoulder. This completely disarmed the patient and in place of striking the attendant he meekly placed a good-night kiss on his cheek and retired to his cell.”


--Taken from C.P.S Newsletter. Vol. I, No. 13. Published by Mennonite Central Committee. March 19, 1943. In "Publications, MCC Bulletin, later CPS Bulletin. Vol. 1-6, 1942-1947," folder 6/12, series IX-13-1. MCC Records Collection, Akron, PA.