CPS Unit Number 140-00
Camp: 140
Unit ID: 0
Opened: unknown
Closed: unknown
Total number of workers who worked in this camp: 21
CPS Camp No. 140, subunit 1Civilian Public Service, camp 140, Pinehurst, North Carolina. Cpt. Strauss inoculating GP John Troyer; Lt. Robinson observing.Photo 125 Box 2, Folder 24. MCC Photographs, Civilian Public Service, 1941-1947. IX-13-2.2. Mennonite Central Committee Photo Archive
CPS Camp No. 140, subunit 1Civilian Public Service, camp 140. Pinehurst, North Carolina. A view of what goes on inside the tent. Dr. Ramelkamp with GP Joe Beachy the victim. In order to avoid any possible contamination, the M.C. from Fort Braff did all the inculating.Photo 265 Box 2, Folder 24. MCC Photographs, Civilian Public Service, 1941-1947. IX-13-2.2. Mennonite Central Committee Photo Archive
CPS Camp No. 140, subunit 8Men at CPS Camp No. 140, subunit 8.Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection, Delbert D. Blickenstaff Civilian Public Service Collection
CPS Camp No. 140, subunit 8Taking a test at CPS Camp No. 140, subunit 8.Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection, Delbert D. Blickenstaff Civilian Public Service Collection
CPS Camp No. 140, subunit 8Enjoying a meal together at CPS Camp No. 140, subunit 8.Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection, Delbert D. Blickenstaff Civilian Public Service Collection
CPS Camp No. 140, subunit 8Delbert Blickenstaff running on the treadmill at the University of Chicago.Manchester University Archives and Brethren Historical Collection, Delbert D. Blickenstaff Civilian Public Service Collection
CPS Camp No. 140, subunit 4Image of a Personnel News newsletter from Camp 140, subunit 4.Digital image from the American Friends Service Committee: Civilian Public Service Records (DG 002), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
CPS Camp No. 140, subunit 2Guinea pigs: man [Delmar Martin] receiving injection in jaundice experiment, Phila. State Hospital, Phila., Pa., 1945.Digital image from American Friends Service Committee: CPS Records (DG002), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
CPS Camp No. 140, subunit 2Injections.Digital image from American Friends Service Committee: CPS Records (DG002), Swarthmore College Peace Collection, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania
CPS Unit No. 140, an Office of Surgeon General (OSG) unit collaborating with the Army Epidemiological Board conducted experiments with COs as live subjects in medical and scientific experiments referred to as human guinea pig experiments. The Brethren, Friends and Mennonites helped recruit volunteers for this series of experiments. “Though careful to weed out any experiments that might be too closely related to war-work, the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and the Brethren Service Committee (BSC) agreed to provide oversight for numerous experiments around the United States”. (Yoder, 2010). The unit began in February 1945 and concluded in October 1946.
CPS Unit No. 140 subunit is unknown for a number of CPS men due to insufficient information in their directory records. Website users with specific subunit information for a man are encouraged to contact us.