CPS Worker 005928 - Leeds, Anthony

CPS Worker 005928 - Leeds, Anthony

Birth year: 1925

Denomination: Friend

Original occupation: Farmer

Drafted from: Clinton Corners, , New York, United States

Entered CPS: 2 6, 1945


Leeds later described his experience at camp #129 as follows: 


"I went for a miserable 20 months to a concentration camp called Pennhurst State Training School for Mental Defectives . . . .  The patients most likely to get training and get better and go into a real world of work, somehow were found to have 'broken a rule' so they were sent to U-Cottage, a slave house where they were beaten, had arms tied to steam pipes, and made to provide all the major labor of the institution.  The Director, an alcoholic, and the Comptroller were in cahoots, many of the charge attendants in the cottages were drunks and even more of the assistant attendants were 'rum-bums.'"  


--Taken from Steven J. Taylor, Acts of Conscience: World War II, Mental Institutions, and Religious Objectors. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University Press, 2009. p266.